Sunday 21 August 2011

As Done As It Got!!! June 2011

I (Debi) went down for the final walk through in the first of June.   Everything was looking pretty good. I made final payment to Jose Luis.  We had only contracted to finish the upper level and partially finish the lower.  We still have lots of work to do (ourselves) when we return in November.
We have to install the fixtures, appliances, sinks and toilets...then we can actually live there.  We'll be picking out tile and having that installed hopefully in November or December.  So it will be will a work in progresss for a bit.  The other fun thing will be finding furnishings. 
So once I resize the photos I took...I'll plug them in here!!
Had a fun was in between seasons...a little early for the die hard surfers and the summer tourists.  So our usually secluded beach was even more so.  Was hoping to experience the notorious rainstorms but only got one for the 9 days I was there.  It was pretty neat but unfortuately it knocked out the power and without fans or a/ was not was hot and sticky!!  Made for a rough night...I was staying with Christine at Los Suenos and I went out onto her closest hammock to the beach hoping to get a little breeze...but not much breeze and hammocks aren't exactly like a pillowtip mattress!!

Got a few more photos to post but our Building In Mexico series is coming to an end!!  We'll see if Marty has more to add!!?

Sunday 24 April 2011

The final count down....until November.

It feels like it was just yesterday that I last wrote but it has been four weeks….yikes where does the time go!  It is Easter Sunday or Pasqua in Spanish and this past week has had the first real crowds we have seen all winter.  This is the last hurrah for many of the hotels and restaurants before the “busy” season ends and summer season begins.  We feel bad for everyone here that business has been so slow but it is also an amazingly peaceful place to live when there are so few tourists visiting.   So we are into our last week before we leave for the summer…so sad but also we are ready for a change of pace (or at least some pace) and I really need to get a job!   The house is close to being completed to the point we had agreed upon with our builders.  There are a few more details which I’m in doubt that they can finish in one week but we will see and go from there.  The roof tiles are completed, all the concrete has been poured and all the stucco is done (minus a couple small areas).  The pasta man has started and his one week job is going into week 3 and he has a long way to go…….  We decided to wait on painting the exterior until we return in November.  I still want to research different types of paints and sealers that are made specifically for stucco and maybe bring it down from the states.   I started working on our front gate and have been making frames for mosquito screening to keep the bats and other bugs out during the summer.  It actually feels good to be working on something again.
     The wood guy finally showed up the other day, set three windows and said he would be back on Monday.   We will see!  Things have gone great with our builders but much slower with their subs!  Still, we are very pleased with our project and have had just a great experience living here this winter. When we get back to the states I’m sure we will go through sticker shock over the price of food and gas and medical…but it will be good to see family and friends again.  I just hope all the snow has melted by the time we get back to Colorado.
And for Debi…It seems we’ve been waiting for a long time for the builders to take down the makeshift scaffolding so we could update the photos….and still today there’s a large ladder leaning up on the front side of the house.  Maybe we’ll just move it and get the photo today!  I’m taking measurements for materials for the couch cushions and measuring for baskets and containers we’ll use in the pantry.  We also need to get mental and physical pictures and lists of other things we may want to bring down from the States in November.  We’ve found that a lot of people that live here from the US and Canada try to bring a lot of things in that are so much more expensive or not as high quality here such as, appliances, certain fabrics, linens, towels, electronics, some hardware…actually as Marty said the main things that are cheaper here are food (although not much of the produce is organic), gas and medical and if you find the right places to buy them…. furniture and hand made ceramics. 

I’m getting on a health kick now and realizing we (both!!) need to detox…so I’m excited to get back to the nice health food stores and organic produce in the States.  Yes, it’s been a real fun time here but I’m ready to go ‘home’!!  Hmmmm. …wonder if some day I’ll consider this home?? I guess once we actually can move into our house it’ll feel more like home!

Roof tiles are on and the house is ready for paint.

View of house from beach side.

The real concrete counter tops and sink.

The start of our bath and shower.

Check out our fish faucet!

The patios with concrete floors.

The colored pasta going on the walls.

The composting septic tank in its protective well.

Preparing the concrete lid.

Monday 21 March 2011

I'mmmmm Back!!! and the progress looks great!

     Wow, it has been over a month since I lasted posted…what happened to the time!?  Debi and I managed to escape to Guadalajara for a nine day road trip of fun shopping and visiting friends in the Lake Chapala area.  What a great trip and a big thank you to Cathy and Allen.  We found lots of cool stuff for the house including travertine and copper sinks, lots of glass ware, beautiful wood carved furniture, and stone carvings used in landscaping.  Next we want to do a trip to Puebla and the surrounding areas to look at travertine tiles for our floors and look at the talavera which comes from there.  There is so much to see and visit in this country…can’t wait till the house is finished and we can spend more time exploring….or maybe just relax!

Also, I did spend time finishing my painting and am working on a new one now.  As promised here is a photo of my first one.
What do you think, do I have any potential?  Anyway, having lots of fun with it.

      So, where did I leave off with the house?  Oh yes, they had just finished the pour of the second level floor.  Well, in a nut shell,  it took approximately two weeks for all of the walls to go up and two more weeks for the roof to go on!  I think I can show the progress better through photos so here ya go!!! 

The first set of photos is of the forming of the concrete counters in our kitchen and our view.

Wood forms in place.

Now rebar is set and ready for concrete.

Counters are ready for coat of stucco and then coat of pasta finish (will explain this in future blog) 

View from our kitchen.

The next set of photos is of the roof framing.  We decided to go with coconut palm wood for the roof framing and this is covered with pine wood.  All of the wood has been treated with a poison to kill termites and any other critters trying to eat it. This will have to be reapplied every couple years plus a sealer.  Fun living in the tropics and all the creepy crawlies you have to learn to deal with!  Ants, scorpians, termites, oh my!
Walls are up and awaiting a roof!

Lots of palm beams that still need to be sanded and sprayed with toxic bugger killer stuff!

The first of the roof framing going up.

And the work continues...not a cloud in the sky!

The palm wood framing is finished and the pine wood sheathing is going on.

Debi... in her new kitchen

These final photos of the house show the finished pine, tar paper over sheathing, and stucco on walls.  Now we are really starting to get into the details of the project.

Finally getting some shade on the open beach side of house!

Pine wood is just about all done.

Check out those beams!

Beautiful use of two woods...we are very happy with the result!

Tar paper and stucco...roof tiles and paint coming soon!  


Saturday 22 January 2011

Colder temps and sharks but it is still paradise.

     It is now approaching the 3 month mark that we started this building project.   Back at the end of October we were marking the house location on the ground and now we are watching the second level walls going up!  Jose Luis said they may start stucco towards the end of next week while they are waiting for the wood for the roof framing to dry for another month.   We are getting to the point where we now have to start thinking about more details.   Decisions will have to be made regarding wall colors, closet and pantry shelf designs, kitchen design, door and window styles, tiles, fixtures…..all the fun stuff.  At least we don’t have to deal with furniture and appliances until next winter.  There is no point in putting these things in the house now to have them weather the rainy season. 
     The construction process is still moving along smoothly and everyone is happy.  Last Saturday, after they poured the second level floors, we did a nice job site dinner of rotisserie chicken with all the fixings.  This was in celebration of another milestone accomplished and is somewhat of a tradition here while building.  It was nice to just hang out with the workers and socialize and watch everyone relax and have a good time.
     In other news, the night time temperatures have really dropped this past week.  I even had to wear long pants and long sleeved shirts for 2 nights.  We are talking well into the 60’s burrrrrrr!   The ocean water temp really seems colder also so I’m sure there might be a connection there.  And with colder water temps we have suddenly gotten a lot of sharks.  For the last several days we have seen them very close to shore….as close as 15’ from the beach and in knee deep water!  It is actually pretty cool to be able to watch them so close…just not too close!  We are swimming a little less right now and also trying to keep an eye out for Mandy.   She decided sharks or no sharks, she is a water dog and she has fish to chase and waves to play in.   
     Saturday painting classes are going well and is a nice diversion that I always look forward too.  I’m close to finishing my first painting this year and may post the series of photos showing the progression when it is complete.  Painting is becoming a nice past time for me and I’m starting to think maybe I really am retired….only till the money runs out!
    Tomorrow is Sunday and a day off for the builders.  This is always a good day to walk around the job site and dream of a time in the near future when all will be completed and we can relax in our hammocks and enjoy our little Mexican paradise.    

The pour begins for the second level floor.

Enjoying the view!!! 

Fresh concrete and no dog prints?

View from the master bedroom!!!   Wow!!!

Great progress for 3 months work!

Enjoying a well earned break and meal.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Got my FM3, I may never leave!

Once again it has been awhile since I last wrote….it’s amazing how fast time goes by here.  I was looking back at the last photos I posted and can’t believe how much more has been accomplished since then!  So where does the house stand at this point?  Well, this morning the workers were tying up the last few pieces of rebar that go into the second level floor.  The electrician and plumber come tomorrow to run the conduit and plumbing in the floor and Saturday is the big day to pour concrete. 
      So what have we been doing while our workers are constructing our beautiful home?  Not really sure…the days just seem to slip by.  We still do our morning yoga, long walks on the beach with the dogs, Saturday painting classes, Monday trips to the market in Lagunillas, the occasional mountain bike ride or kayak trip and lots of running around doing who knows what!  I now have my FM3 (instead of a tourist visa) which allows me to stay in Mexico for longer than 6 months without having to cross the border.  Also, for a few pesos more I can upgrade this to get a work permit here just in case we decide to rent our house and or start cooking classes.  Which reminds me, we learned to make sopes the other day and wow were they good!  We have the chile rellenos, sopes and fresh coconut curry chicken down!  Unfortunately, our weight is doing the opposite.  We also starting sprouting again, but we only have alfalfa seeds because all the others were confiscated from Annie when she came to visit us.  I am still trying to find a source for seeds here but not having much luck. 
     I am becoming quite the expert at cutting coconuts for the fresh juice and coconut meat.  We put the juice and meat into our smoothies every morning and blend the 2 together to make coconut cream for cooking and libations!  The other day I finally found the spoon (actually spoon shaped knife) at the market used for cutting the coconut meat from its shell.  It’s a pretty basic tool but kind of cool with its horn handle and way easier to use than your typical table spoon.
     Went to check out the surfing the other day but didn’t try it…it was way to busy and figured I would stay out of the way of the real surfers.  We have plenty of time when nobody is here to practice this endeavor. 
      Still trying to work in a trip to Chapala but don’t want to leave when so many different things are happening with the house.  I’m thinking once they start the stucco we can leave for a short trip.   
      Well it is getting close to time for another spectacular sunset so we need to get the dogs out for a walk on the beach.  Also, it is Thursday so that means pozole and tamale night in Buena Vista at Minnie's....I'm so addicted to her food!      
A forest of bracing to support the form work for the concrete floor above.

Putting rebar in place on second level.

Papa running the "bailarina" to compact back fill.

View of patio with wood forms and supports for concrete floor above.

Archway heading into hall between lower bedrooms.

Electrician running conduit between switches.

Double walled plastic water lines have more flexibility in concrete during tremors. 

Second arch over stairs being formed and ready for concrete.

Beginning framing for second level forms over patios. 

The ramp will adventually become stairs to the second level.

Friday 31 December 2010

New Years Eve ( noche viejo)

It is the eve of a new year and time to start thinking of new resolutions to make that will soon be broken.  I wonder, seriously, why bother but I guess part of the process is really to reflect on old habits, to have some humility and to try to better ourselves and or to be better to those around us.  So tonight I will throw my good intentions into the universe and proceed with tomorrow with my head held high and a smile on my face and a hello to all that I meet.  Our future is only as bright as each and every one of us is willing to make it. So here is to wishing all a happy new year and many more to follow.

     Plenty of time has passed since I last wrote and a lot has been accomplished on our construction project along with on our personal front.
  • Debi’s dad spent the last three weeks with us and left for the U.S. the day before Christmas.
  • The fundraiser for the village kids (sounds like a band) was a great success.  This event helps new aspiring artists with paint supplies and lessons.
  •    Debi and I started our own painting classes again this winter along with a cooking class on how to make great chili rellenos…Yum! 
  • We had a very nice Christmas lunch at one of the local restaurants for all of our workers. 
  • And now our good friend Annie is here visiting us for a few weeks.
  We never seem to lack for things to keep us busy and we love it here.  It’s hard to believe that in a few days we will have been in Mexico for 3 months already!  My how time flies when you don’t have to shovel snow!

     The construction continues to move ahead rapidly and is proving to be a very smooth process.  We are extremely happy with our builders and feel we are getting fair pricing on our changes that have been made so far.  We are being very careful to get all our change orders in writing before proceeding so there are no surprises in the end.  This also protects the builders as well as us especially when I have such a poor memory.  We added 2 kitchenettes and 2 built in sofas to the lower bedrooms and added a lot of electrical upgrades to the house.
     The lower level walls are all at full height and the majority of the roughed in plumbing and electric is completed.  Next week or the following the second level floor will be formed and poured….oh boy, pumper trucks and cement trucks one more time!   I have actually had a difficult time sleeping because of my excitement to see what they will accomplish each following day!

In the new year I will post new photos of the house but to end this year I leave you with some pics from my kayak trip in the lagoon the other day.  Enjoy!