Saturday 22 January 2011

Colder temps and sharks but it is still paradise.

     It is now approaching the 3 month mark that we started this building project.   Back at the end of October we were marking the house location on the ground and now we are watching the second level walls going up!  Jose Luis said they may start stucco towards the end of next week while they are waiting for the wood for the roof framing to dry for another month.   We are getting to the point where we now have to start thinking about more details.   Decisions will have to be made regarding wall colors, closet and pantry shelf designs, kitchen design, door and window styles, tiles, fixtures…..all the fun stuff.  At least we don’t have to deal with furniture and appliances until next winter.  There is no point in putting these things in the house now to have them weather the rainy season. 
     The construction process is still moving along smoothly and everyone is happy.  Last Saturday, after they poured the second level floors, we did a nice job site dinner of rotisserie chicken with all the fixings.  This was in celebration of another milestone accomplished and is somewhat of a tradition here while building.  It was nice to just hang out with the workers and socialize and watch everyone relax and have a good time.
     In other news, the night time temperatures have really dropped this past week.  I even had to wear long pants and long sleeved shirts for 2 nights.  We are talking well into the 60’s burrrrrrr!   The ocean water temp really seems colder also so I’m sure there might be a connection there.  And with colder water temps we have suddenly gotten a lot of sharks.  For the last several days we have seen them very close to shore….as close as 15’ from the beach and in knee deep water!  It is actually pretty cool to be able to watch them so close…just not too close!  We are swimming a little less right now and also trying to keep an eye out for Mandy.   She decided sharks or no sharks, she is a water dog and she has fish to chase and waves to play in.   
     Saturday painting classes are going well and is a nice diversion that I always look forward too.  I’m close to finishing my first painting this year and may post the series of photos showing the progression when it is complete.  Painting is becoming a nice past time for me and I’m starting to think maybe I really am retired….only till the money runs out!
    Tomorrow is Sunday and a day off for the builders.  This is always a good day to walk around the job site and dream of a time in the near future when all will be completed and we can relax in our hammocks and enjoy our little Mexican paradise.    

The pour begins for the second level floor.

Enjoying the view!!! 

Fresh concrete and no dog prints?

View from the master bedroom!!!   Wow!!!

Great progress for 3 months work!

Enjoying a well earned break and meal.

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