Thursday 13 January 2011

Got my FM3, I may never leave!

Once again it has been awhile since I last wrote….it’s amazing how fast time goes by here.  I was looking back at the last photos I posted and can’t believe how much more has been accomplished since then!  So where does the house stand at this point?  Well, this morning the workers were tying up the last few pieces of rebar that go into the second level floor.  The electrician and plumber come tomorrow to run the conduit and plumbing in the floor and Saturday is the big day to pour concrete. 
      So what have we been doing while our workers are constructing our beautiful home?  Not really sure…the days just seem to slip by.  We still do our morning yoga, long walks on the beach with the dogs, Saturday painting classes, Monday trips to the market in Lagunillas, the occasional mountain bike ride or kayak trip and lots of running around doing who knows what!  I now have my FM3 (instead of a tourist visa) which allows me to stay in Mexico for longer than 6 months without having to cross the border.  Also, for a few pesos more I can upgrade this to get a work permit here just in case we decide to rent our house and or start cooking classes.  Which reminds me, we learned to make sopes the other day and wow were they good!  We have the chile rellenos, sopes and fresh coconut curry chicken down!  Unfortunately, our weight is doing the opposite.  We also starting sprouting again, but we only have alfalfa seeds because all the others were confiscated from Annie when she came to visit us.  I am still trying to find a source for seeds here but not having much luck. 
     I am becoming quite the expert at cutting coconuts for the fresh juice and coconut meat.  We put the juice and meat into our smoothies every morning and blend the 2 together to make coconut cream for cooking and libations!  The other day I finally found the spoon (actually spoon shaped knife) at the market used for cutting the coconut meat from its shell.  It’s a pretty basic tool but kind of cool with its horn handle and way easier to use than your typical table spoon.
     Went to check out the surfing the other day but didn’t try it…it was way to busy and figured I would stay out of the way of the real surfers.  We have plenty of time when nobody is here to practice this endeavor. 
      Still trying to work in a trip to Chapala but don’t want to leave when so many different things are happening with the house.  I’m thinking once they start the stucco we can leave for a short trip.   
      Well it is getting close to time for another spectacular sunset so we need to get the dogs out for a walk on the beach.  Also, it is Thursday so that means pozole and tamale night in Buena Vista at Minnie's....I'm so addicted to her food!      
A forest of bracing to support the form work for the concrete floor above.

Putting rebar in place on second level.

Papa running the "bailarina" to compact back fill.

View of patio with wood forms and supports for concrete floor above.

Archway heading into hall between lower bedrooms.

Electrician running conduit between switches.

Double walled plastic water lines have more flexibility in concrete during tremors. 

Second arch over stairs being formed and ready for concrete.

Beginning framing for second level forms over patios. 

The ramp will adventually become stairs to the second level.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Wow, Its really coming together! Kudos to you guys, and I like the blog idea, whens the guest room available? LOL
